Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Exotics Placement

On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Bowie Poag wrote:

> The UISG proposes that:
>  o "Exotics" , (e.g. color-reactiveness, self-documenting UIs,
>     minbars, etc) will not be contained within the body of the
>     document. Exotics, and suggestions for implementing them
>     within your code should be moved to the Appendix.
>  The rationale behind this was originally tossed around during
>  the first UISG Conference a few weeks ago. Its a minor issue,
>  but it must be resolved. Is there a place for exotics within
>  the GNOME Style Guide? How progressive do we want to be?
>  Should SOME exotics be excluded, while others be woven into
>  the document?

I agree that so-called exotics should be separated out, but I think we're
going to have some disagreement as what counts as exotic.

It should be obvious that, if they become popular enough, once-exotic
elements will become standard (e.g., toolbars, animated "busy" buttons
like in Netscape) and should be included in the main text.

So I guess we need to define what, exactly, is exotic.

Tim Moore

P.S. to Bowie: Is there a web page or something where I can read about
color-reactiveness? I think the discussion on this list predates my

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