Re: Apologies to gnome-gui if I ever said you guys were flamers...

"Dan" == Dan \"Effugas\" Kaminsky <Dan> writes:

Dan> Could somebody please tell me what technical issues I have
Dan> ignored?  When I was challenged on technical grounds re:
Dan> screenplays, I started communicating with the author of Xlab and
Dan> posted his things here.  Supposedly, coders don't like my minbar
Dan> proposal because it's difficult to get the contents of an
Dan> occluded window, but it took me forever to get that specific
Dan> claim out of one.

You were ignorant of this issue.  The fact that you had to be told of
it indicates that you were ignorant.  You didn't find out if it was
possible or practical before advertising the idea.  This is ignorance.
You should talk to programmers before you publish an idea, rather than

Personally, I don't like your minbar proposal because I think it's not
worthwhile.  I don't see any value in a grossly shrunk view of a
window as a icon, in the general case.  (There are cases where it is
useful; I think the application should make that call, not the window
manager.)  I would never have realized that there were technical
problems as well had you not pressed me on it.

Dan> Cluehunting?  I fail to see how "it's been done before" and "it's
Dan> not possible" are NOT mutually exclusive.  As a matter of record,
Dan> I make it VERY VERY clear that much of cluehunting was not new.
Dan> I am, thus far, unaware however of any pluggable, generally
Dan> available, and listable expansion interface.  I was unaware that
Dan> zsh and emacs had such degree of context sensitivity.  I was very
Dan> interested to hear this.

And, again, you didn't investigate adequately so as to not be ignorant
of either zsh's or emacs' completion facilities.  Again, you exhibit a
profound ignorance of the state of the art that you propose to

(The fact that you use Microsoft Outlook for writing messages to this
forum probably doesn't help any, either.  Do you use the paperclip,

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