Re: Random thought...

David Kågedal <> wrote:
> > the day gnome ships with a standard wm will be the day it has to do without
> > my support. period.
> Well, any distribution will install a default user environment for new
> user.  As I'm not very familiar with todays distributions I don't know
> exactly what they ship, but guess that new user will get a GUI
> environment with fvwm or some other wm as their window manager.

true. but you still have the choice. plus it's a distributions job to ship
with these things. if I was unclear, I apologize. I meant "ship" as in
"includes" or "prefers" with "prefer" meaning going beyond a suggestion, in
the way win95 "prefers" exploder (not internet exploder, but the simple one)
as it's desktop even though it's in THEORY possible to replace it.

more pragmatically: I use afterstep at this time and have no intention on
changing that. should gnome break or refuse to work with afterstep, it'll be
gnome that has to go, not afterstep.

I guess a lot of users feel the same. if in doubt, they'll keep what they

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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