Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Default Window Geometry

>  The way I see it, it might and it might not.  Looking at <gdk/gdk.h>, I
>  see two functions: gdk_screen_width() and gdk_screen_height().  My
>  question is, if you have a desktop size different than the screen size,
>  which number do this functions give?

These use DisplayWidth() and DisplayHeight(), provided by Xlib.  They
return the size in pixels of the specified screen.

>  The way I see it, the concepts required for a GNOME-compliant application
>  are completely different than for a GNOME-compliant window manager.  While
>  it might be useful to include the current GNOME-wm compliance information
>  in the Style Guide, those discussions have gone on elsewhere, and I don't
>  see how we should have much to add.
>  Remember, anything that we require of window managers should be agreed on
>  by not only GNOME developers, but the developers of the GNOME-compliant
>  window managers (i.e. IceWM, Enlightenment, SCWM and BlackBox, more if
>  there are more).

A while ago on gnome-list there was quite a big discussion about what a
GNOME-compliant window manager should have.  It seems that about the
only things we can specify for compliancy are window manager hints and
session management.  Please look at the gnome-list archives for that


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