Re: PROPOSAL: Help File Format Standardization

Bowie, this is a good idea and the logic behind it is sound, but I have to
disagree on this one.  HTML really is a yucky format (and every
browser/editor has its own sub-version), and not very good for writing
documents (I quickly figured out that RTF is a far better format for
sharing docs b/w StarOffice and Word 97).  Docbook is the way to go.
Instead of using HTML b/c is has good editors, we need a good editor for

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On Sun, 9 Aug 1998, Bowie Poag wrote:

> The UISG proposes that..
> o All GNOME Application Help Text is to be written in HTML.
> o Why HTML? Simple. Plenty of authoring tools, its an accepted
>   standard, its portable, extensible, flexible, and clean. It
>   will also make the transition path for KDE developers a little
>   easier, once they've realize the error of their ways and start
>   developing for GNOME. ;)
>Yes, I know about docbook.
>Agree or Disagree?

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