Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Default Window Geometry

> Bowie:
> You hit a wall when you get to WM's that simulate, say, a 4000x4000
> workspace.  Windows should probably initialize by default no larger than a
> single screen, but what about...

Not really. Pay close attention to the wording in the proposal. The
proposal governs DEFAULT window size. The user may specify (later) to open
on a much, much larger area of screen real-estate, but by default, it must
not exceed the dimensions of the workspace.

> Suppose your machine has two monitors.  Since the physical area is
> variable(depends whether both monitors are set to the same workspace or
> not), any code construct like this wouldn't be very logical.

A friend of mine on campus, who works in the supercomputer array, showed
me a -three headed- machine once... Had a virtual screen about 3072x768
shared between three monitors, horizontally. X is a wonderful thing. :)


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