Re: org sheet

Bowie Poag <> wrote:
> > a) there will be a button with a foot icon as the leftmost entry of the
> Using an icon on the same usage plane as text is a mistake; It breaks
> consistancy, and is visually distracting.

your argument is true. the question, however, is not whether it breaks
consistancy (it does, that's why I initially opted against this), but
whether it's worth it.

and only some real-life tests on real users will reveal that. no amount of
guessing  or book-reading will answer that question for us.

> > b) this menu  (can we call it "Program-menu" because that's where the whole
> >    idea originated?) will contain at least the following items:
> > 
> >         Preferences...
> >         Exit
> Preferences does not belong in Program. It belongs out on the line with
> the rest of the options.

sun (? I believe it was sun) posted a very, very good overview about scopes
and menus. as long as we stay anywhere close to this idea, Preferences does
clearly belong in tmfkap.

> > a) rename the current "File" menu to a more app-specific term without
> >    changing its contents.
> Laughably lame idea. Also breaks consistancy. So far you're 0 for 2.

looking at  the fact that several people, each one (I guess) with an iq
above that of a vegetable are seriously discussing  this idea, I think your
comment does more damage to  you  than to the idea. really, bowie. we don't
need to get childish or insulting, it doesn't help.

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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