Re: org sheet

John R Sheets <> wrote:
> > a) rename the current "File" menu to a more app-specific term without
> >    changing its contents.
> One quick clarification.  Do we want this post-File menu (shall we call it the
> Primary menu, to keep terminology from getting in the way?) to have the same
> name on all GNOME apps....or do we want it to reflect the main target of each
> app, and have a different title, but similar contents (in which case it might
> be better to call it the Object menu)?  E.g., "Document", or "Session", or
> "Image"...  Universal title, or context-specific title?
> The tradeoff is consistency vs. a more natural, intuitive language.

my personal take is that if we just  rename it to something else,  the
consistency argument is the stronger one. plus we're not really gaining
anything. you'll find a lot of progs where "document" is just as bad as

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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