Re: org sheet

> in this mail I'll try to sum up the current status of the most important
> ongoing discussions, to allow us to start anew from a clear and common
> point.
> I believe this is necessary if we want to reach any conclusions fast.
> 1) foot menu
> ------------
> to reach some common terminology, I will join sun and others and call this
> menu "tmfkap" from now on.
> we have a proposal that details the following:
> a) there will be a button with a foot icon as the leftmost entry of the

Using an icon on the same usage plane as text is a mistake; It breaks
consistancy, and is visually distracting.

>    menubar that opens a menu
> b) this menu  (can we call it "Program-menu" because that's where the whole
>    idea originated?) will contain at least the following items:
>         Preferences...
>         Exit

Preferences does not belong in Program. It belongs out on the line with
the rest of the options.

> 2) rename file menu
> -------------------
> we have a proposal that asks for the following:
> a) rename the current "File" menu to a more app-specific term without
>    changing its contents.

Laughably lame idea. Also breaks consistancy. So far you're 0 for 2.


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