Re: org sheet

* Bowie Poag
| > in this mail I'll try to sum up the current status of the most important
| > ongoing discussions, to allow us to start anew from a clear and common
| > point.
| > I believe this is necessary if we want to reach any conclusions fast.

Ah thanks Tom! 
| Using an icon on the same usage plane as text is a mistake; It breaks
| consistancy, and is visually distracting.

Let's see when we try it.
| Preferences does not belong in Program. It belongs out on the line with
| the rest of the options.

I think that it would be better to put preferences under program
because the preferences does things to the Program and this would also
give the apps a consistency. Whether it's a game, text editor, image
viewer etc. one will always find the Preferences at the same place.
| Laughably lame idea. Also breaks consistancy. So far you're 0 for 2.

I also think that it should be called File, but I DON NOT think it is
a laughably lame idea! Loose the attitude Bowie. Get a weeks sleep and
return when you are nice again!

Preben Randhol                    | Azh nazg durbataluk, azh nazg
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Email            | burzum ishi krimpatul!      |                -- J. R. R. Tolkien

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