Re: On a personal note..

* Bowie Poag
| To all,
| This seems to be a popular trend in my life lately, so i'll share it with
| you guys:  :)
| I'd like to apologize ahead of time if it seems like i'm blowing off
| anyone's posts to the mailing list. I've been tremendously busy lately,
| between my new job, getting my schedule worked out for school, and trying
| to catch whatever sleep I can. I havent had much time to *post* to the

I know what you are experiencing. You have my sympathies. I'm semi
busy myself and 30 minutes ago it looked like my simulation program
was far off in the woods producing results that could make a squirrel
look like a pine. But it was just one wrong input on my part *phew*

In a weeks time or two we probably have 3-4 SG proposals with various
whistles and bells. If each of us print out the proposals, go home sit
down in the comfy chair with something good to drink/eat and a sharp
pencil. Carefully going through them bearing in mind where you want to
compromise and where you agree/disagree and then come back after a
couple of days thinking and present your opinions. Then I think people
will get the overview and we can organise the discussion a bit more :)

Preben Randhol                    | Affliction is enamoured of thy parts,
Tlf    73940929/(735)94076 [arb]  | And thou art wedded to calamity.
Email            |      |                     - W. Shakespeare

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