On a personal note..

To all,

This seems to be a popular trend in my life lately, so i'll share it with
you guys:  :)

I'd like to apologize ahead of time if it seems like i'm blowing off
anyone's posts to the mailing list. I've been tremendously busy lately,
between my new job, getting my schedule worked out for school, and trying
to catch whatever sleep I can. I havent had much time to *post* to the
list, but rest assured, I *am* reading along, and making mental notes. I
just dont have the usual 3-4 hours a day to sit down and address each one
of them for the moment. :) Ontop of all this, my sleep schedule has
decided to go ballistic--An after effect of Conference preparation, and
long hours spent awake with a bottle of Mountain Dew. Looking around my
apartment, I see 3 empty two-liters of Dew, consumed since Friday..Egads!

Also, I'd like to note the fact that the mailing list now seems to be
completely flame-free, now. I'm glad to see all of us have finally managed
to take the road of collaboratation instead of competitive hostility. :)
I dont think Frederico or Miguel needs to stand by with the fire hoses and
tear gas anymore. :) We're all doing exactly what we need to be doing
right now, which is a (tm) Good Thing. The UISG will soon reflect the
basic "meat" that we've been busy forming here in the past several days.

So, relax, and give yourself a pat on the back..such things are NOT easy
to do, and i'm glad we're all in it for the long haul. It is noble, but
thankless labor. :)

Bowie J. Poag
GNOME UISG V2.0 Project Co-Maintainer

| Bowie J. Poag  bjp@primenet.com  http://www.nubox.dyn.ml.org |
| Sand and grit in a concrete base.                            |

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