PROPOSAL: Compliancy Level Standardization, Revision 1.

Ok.. Given the input on the last proposal, lets give it another run:

 *  Five compliancy levels. (All agreed--DONE)

 o  Levels listed in descending order, highest esteem first. Level 1
    Compliant Apps are held in the highest regard, where as Level 5
    are held in the lowest.

    Reasoning: Future expansion. We cant very well have "Level 0
    Compliancy". Future versions of the Style Guide will more 
    than likely need to revise/restructure the Compliancy definitions
    at some point in the future. If we do it in descending order,
    we'll have no problem. If they need more levels, no problem.
    If we DONT do it in descending order, with Level 1 having the
    most esteem, we WILL have a problem on our hands.

    ....All agreed?

 o  Longhand  : "GNOME Level 1 Compliant Applications"
              : "This application is GNOME Level 1 Compliant."

    Shorthand : "GL1 Apps" 
              : "This app is GL1 Compliant."

    ....All agreed?


| Bowie J. Poag |
| Sand and grit in a concrete base.                            |

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