Re: In support of Bowie

Dan Kaminsky <> wrote:
> >I've already made a detailed description about one possibility to implement
> >this in a  way that any newbie would understand in ten seconds. it goes
> >without saying that it's gotta be A LOT easier than wincrap.
> Forgive me, in Windows when one installs, you can actually click on the menu
> you want it to go to.  Nobody does it.
> Please indulge me this once and fill my failed memory with this suggestion.
> All I remember is you saying system apps and user apps should be separated,
> as if it was that clean of a split(where does ping go?).
> The way I see it, everything gets shoved into default 99 percent of the time
> for 99% of users.

exactly that's the key. the user DEFINES the default. look into the
archives. keywords: "panel" and "lsm"

> >> OK:  How many X apps use control-alt keycombos?
> >all. it's used to switch back to virtual consoles from X.
> One through zero?  What about control-alt-letters and arrows?

ctrl-alt-arrows are often used to switch virtual screens. letters are
sometimes taken by the windowmanager.

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