Re: RSG, draft three

>Absolutely not. This is what i'm saying -- The lowest-compliancy level
>should also be flexible enough to encompass tuff LIKE Kai's Power Tools.
>While being GNOME-Compliant, theyre simply different. To leave them off
>the boat because theyre simply "original" is a mistake, imho. Kai's Power
>Tools would be classified as a "Level 5 Compliant" app under the UISG.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but, wouldnt the same app be
>completely non-compliant under the RGSG?

heh, wait a sec:

1)  Level 5 apps appear more compliant than level 4 apps.  That's not really
the case.  You can be level 5 compliant now without being level 1 compliant?
We have to turn experimental at least into a new category.

2)  The style guide needs an "exception" or "experimental" category, in
general.  Most MP3 players don't follow UI guidelines--and shouldn't.  We
need a special category to decide what minimal GM/G1 (Gnome Mandatory/Gnome
Level 1) standards experimental apps should adhere to.  Stuff like, "If text
is selectable, the copy keybinding must still initiate a copy."  Or "If the
application provides the visual appearance of termination, it must have
actually terminated.  Applications may not 'minimize' themselves for
efficiency purposes under any conditions if the user can be reasonably
thought to have tried to exit the application."

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