Re: RSG, draft three

Dan Kaminsky wrote:
> 1)  Level 5 apps appear more compliant than level 4 apps.  That's not really
> the case.  You can be level 5 compliant now without being level 1 compliant?
> We have to turn experimental at least into a new category.

I addressed this exact problem in an earlier email to the list,
suggesting that C1-5 be the range of style classifications, and
C1-3 be the related _application_ compliancy levels.

Perhaps it would be better to refer to the style levels as C1-5
and the app compliancy levels as GC1-3.  C4 & C5 styles wouldn't
really affect the main app compliancy level (as mentioned in the
About box, most likely).  It would be nice to say something
there, as a note, if an app does have C4+ styles..."This app
contains advanced GNOME styles" or something like that.

I can dig up that post and re-post it if you like....


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