Re: RSG, draft three

John R Sheets wrote:
>Dan Kaminsky wrote:
>> Are you familiar with the KPT interface?  There's different, and then
>> there's KPT.
>As I recall, KPT (as a plug-in for Photoshop) is more of an
>extension than a stand-alone app.  I'm not familiar with its uses
[snip snip]

KPT is for the most part a plug-in for Photoshop.  I saw Kai (the K in KPT)
at a conference a few years back answer the question that was along the
lines of, "What do you have to say about UI?"  and he replied with a very
simple answer:  KPT is meant to be fun, to be like a game almost.  Graphics
development is supposed to be fun and KPT brings a little of that back.
He indicated that KPT doesn't try to say anything for user interfaces in

It seems reasonable to suggest that the underlying interface, should allow
the developers to create an illusion.  It shouldn't be too easy, however,
as that might encourage people to stray from the standard (that is, it
shouldn't be easier than abiding by the standard).  Things like KPT and
WinAmp are like candy: sure, it's nice to have it and living without it
kind of stinks, but do you want everything to rot your teeth?

william r. tipton

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