Re: RSG, draft three

I have KPT and have used it quite a bit (this was before my Linux and GIMP
days) but I still have it on my Windows 95 box:

-Yes, it is a plugin into PhotoShop or Paint Shop Pro (in my case).  IT
has to be run from a PS-plugin compliant program.
-No, it doesn't take up the whole screen (other stand-alone Kai apps are,
like Power Goo)
-Yes, version 3 has a non-windowed lens "gadget" that you "float" over the
image you're editing to preview the change and modify certain attributes
of the change (like strength, color, etc.).

I can make a screenshot of KPT in action if anyone really wants to see it,
but personally, I don't really like the interface because it's too
"gadgety" and not very intuitive.  When I want a gaussian blur, I want to
set the radius either by a slider bar or strictly numerically, not by
dragging a funky blinking light around a half-circle.

                Soren Harward               | Windows 95/98 DOES come
 Internet Information Systems Administrator | with a tool to recover
               Cinternet, Inc.              | from Registry
 Voice: 891-1228 | corruption.      | It's called 'FDISK'.

On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, John R Sheets wrote:

>> Are you familiar with the KPT interface?  There's different, and then
>> there's KPT.
>As I recall, KPT (as a plug-in for Photoshop) is more of an
>extension than a stand-alone app.  I'm not familiar with its uses
>(if any) outside of being a plug-in.  I also remember KPT being
>rather rude about taking over my entire screen when I invoke it. 
>Am I correct in stating that Kai's Power Tools typically runs
>either fully-maximized, or as non-windowed lenses that float
>above the image you're editing?  
>Unless things have changed, I don't consider KPT to be an
>application.  Does it run stand-alone?  Or only symbiotically on
>the back of a true app?  If that's the case, then KPT is
>completely outside the scope of the style guide, which only
>purports to support apps and applets.

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