Re: Gnomeprint-in-app

>> Add to and remove can get used any number of times.
>think about the occasions when it will get used, though: usually i set
>up my desktop the way i want it, then leave it there until i want to
>"rearrange the furniture" or "redecorate" so to speak. leaving these
>options wide open when i'm not looking for them would be an eyesore and
>confuse the interface.

>> Hiding it in a config dialogue ensures it never gets used.
>> Things we WANT the user to use...
>ah, but it isn't your job to "want" the user to do anything. it's your
>job to provide the services to the user if and when _he_ wants to do it.

We want the user to be able to use the things the user would want to use if
they were easy enough to use.

Think about that for a sec :-)

For example, we know the user hates the start menu in windows because it's a
total mess organization wise(this coming from the staunch start menu
defender).  We know the user WOULD want to reorganize the start menu if it
was easy enough to do so.  Therefore, the UI designers for the start menu
SHOULD somehow make it easy for the start menu to be reorganized(or
correctly organized in the first place) so the user is happy.  And indeed,
lookie, Microsoft now lets you right click and drag-n-drop items straight
from the Start Menu to anywhere, and whoa, it's my favorite new part of IE4.

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