Standard font proposal

> >1. the bitch about X fonts isn't really the fonts - X handles scalable
> >fonts quite ok. its the API to drawing fontsthat sux, the font
> >specification method and the lack fo alpha channelling leading to lack
> >of anti-aliasing. Get the freefont and sharefont packs from sunsit and
> >u'll fund a pile of scaleable fonts - you can even install standard
> >Type1 fonts and use them... I do.
> The point is that GNOME needs to come with some standard fonts, and yes,
> perhaps we should graphically generate the fonts if that's the only way
> we're going to get antialiased large type.  That's what Enlightenment
> appears to do for a good deal of text, no?
> I can't bear to think of screenshots as ugly as some I've seen...most users
> aren't going to be savvy enough to install their own quality fonts.

i proposed having a set of standard Gnome fonts a while back, and it was put
down by almost everybody. i have a (very small) font i created for this
purpose, if anyone would like to see the reason for my proposal. admittedly,
it is extremely too small for large (1024x768 or larger) screens, but i think
the style is what we need for gnome. i would like to make a larger version if

this font doesn't work automatically with mkfontdir. there are some problems
in the original bdf that need looked on.

what it looks like:
(the theme is just for drool appeal :)

the pcf:

the fonts.dir line:
gnome.pcf -gnome-gsystem-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-120-iso8859-1          

everyone please at least look at the screenshot, and/or try the font. please
send all comments (on the font) back to the list for discussion..
 _        _  __     __             _ _                                  _
|        / |/ /_ __/ /_____         |       Nuke Skyjumper               |
|       /    / // /  '_/ -_)        |         "Master of the Farce"      |
|_     /_/|_/\_,_/_/\_\\__/        _|_        _|

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