Re: Gnome Key Binding Standard

Alex Achenbach wrote:
> Hi there!
> I recently came across the non-existent "gnome key binding standard"
> again (aka
> I thought I'd put up some proposal for that, just to make a start
> (I don't know any Gnome internal status of discussion on this issue);
> the following is just a draft (or "wish list") based on the
> experience with various programs and on my personal needs
> and thoughts.
> Unfortunately, I cannot currently plan on implementing this myself
> (maybe later this year...?).
> The main purpose of this is to suggest a basic set of keyboard
> functions; the given "possible bindings" are just examples.
> Every common binding should of course be globally configurable still.
> What's important is the abstract set itself.
> Comments welcome!
> Cheers
> Not all of the functions should be absolutely freely configurable,
> of course (eg it should avoid definition conflicts of any kind).

Before people go hashing this out all over again, I'd like to summarize
what happened the last time that this was brought up on the list. 
Here's the general consensus:

o It is important that key bindings be the same across applications for
common operations, many of which you listed in your propsal

o Key bindings should be globally configurable for all applications from
a single interface.

o A sane default binding should be chosen and themes should be available
for bindings



Christopher Blizzard
AppliedTheory Communications, Inc.

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