Re: Gnome Key Binding Standard

On Fri, 17 Apr 1998, Alex Achenbach wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> function	possible binding	equivalent to menu item
> (abstract)	(set by user)		(implemented by programmer)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> create_new	  Ctrl+N		File/New (or File/New...)
> open_old	  Ctrl+O		File/Open...
> save		  Ctrl+S		File/Save
> 				        (or File/Save_As...)
> save_as	  Ctrl+Shift+S		File/Save_As...
> print		  Ctrl+P		File/Print (or File/Print...)
> print_setup	  Ctrl+Shift+P		File/Printer_Setup...
> 	                 		(or maybe File/Print_As...)
> quit		  Ctrl+Q		File/Quit

	This is great so far!  No problems at all.  In fact, I think this
will make things easy for people.  (Well...  Maybe Ctrl-S might be a
problem.  We need to have UNIX key-bindings.  Only use Windows
accelerator key bindings when they make much MORE sense.)

> undo		  Ctrl+Z		Edit/Undo
> redo		  Ctrl+Y		Edit/Redo

	From Photoshop, eh?  Okay.  This is good too.

> cut		  Ctrl+X		Edit/Cut
> copy		  Ctrl+C		Edit/Copy
> paste		  Ctrl+V		Edit/Paste
> delete	  DEL			Edit/Delete
> sel_all	  Ctrl+A		Edit/Select_All

	We should also add to these.  Shift-Insert is paste.  (Try it in
an xterm!)  Cut is usually Ctrl-W or Ctrl-K in UNIX...  We should have two
clipboards...  (Like EMACS does now, like lyx does as well.)  One which
uses the UNIX standard.  Left-click drag to highlight.  Middle button (or
shift-insert) pastes.  OR press Ctrl-insert or Ctrl-C or Ctrl-X to put the
information in a clipboard.  Ctrl-V will paste THIS information.  

> find		  Ctrl+F		Edit/Find... (dialog)
> find_next	  Ctrl+G		Edit/Find_Next
> find_prev	  Ctrl+Shift+G		Edit/Find_Previous

	Well, if we're not going to use Ctrl-S Ctrl-R, alright...

> replace	  Ctrl+R		Edit/Replace... (dialog)
> replace_next	  Ctrl+T		Edit/Replace_Next
> replace_prev	  Ctrl+Shift+T		Edit/Replace_Previous


> goto		  Ctrl+L		Edit/Goto_Line...

	This is good.  I like this.

> macro_create	  Ctrl+Shift+K		Macro/Record (and finish)
> macro_replay	  Ctrl+K		Macro/Play

	NO NO NO NO NO!  Ctrl-K is cut line.  Even netscape uses this
key-binding.  We should NOT change this.  This is one of UNIX's strengths
that this command is available.  How do you do this in Windows?
Shift-End, Ctrl-X.  Too hard.  :^)  Why throw out what works?

> help		  F1 and HELP		Help/Program_Help



------------------------------------ |\      _,,,--,,_  ,) ----------
Benjamin Kahn                        /,`.-'`'   -,  ;-;;'
(212) 924 - 2220                    |,4-  ) )-,_ ) /\ --------------- '---''(_/--' (_/-' ---------------
 If you love something, write it in C; if it compiles, it is yours; 
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