Re: [gnome-flashback] Regressions from previous gnome-panel releases

Στις 09/01/2014 11:53 πμ, ο/η Dmitry Shachnev έγραψε:
Hi Alkis,

Hi Dmitry, thanks for the feedback, see inline:

Strange, I don't see any major changes to in
the latest versions:

Here's the (big) diff I see from 12.04 to 14.04:

Can you please name a specific app that changed location after that file update?

* Most of the gnome "Accessories" like Calculator, Character map, Terminal etc were moved to the new "Utilities" category.
 * Some of them, like gedit, nautilus etc stayed in "Accessories".
* Universal Access → Orca Screen Reader was moved to the new "Sundry" category. * System Tools → Preferences → Personal File Sharing was moved to the new "Other" category.
 * The "System Settings" category is new in 14.04 too.
 * There are many many other changes, I just listed a few of them.

All those categories (first level menus) weren't visible or didn't exist at all in 12.04, they were introduced after this:
...where I see comments that probably mean that these categories weren't really ready to be committed yet: "Uhm, except for the first patch, the series was not actually meant to be committed literally."

Also, using a tool like alacarte can fix the problem for you.

We're maintaing 500+ schools, alacarte wouldn't help much, but we can dpkg-divert that file and ship the old one in one of our packages. We do have workarounds for almost all of the issues I mention here, but I think that proper solutions are better than local workarounds...

3) The panel doesn't get re-aligned on resolution changes (or when plugging
external monitors).
I think I saw a patch in git for that, after 3.8.0...

Which particular commit? 66f077722a12e4? I can backport it in Ubuntu
if you want.

Yes, - thank you.

4) When I try to move applets, they get stuck in the top left side.
I think I saw a patch in git for that too.

Again, which one?

I can't find it in git, I may have seen it in the mailing list, I'll look again, but that's one of the least important ones.

Ubuntu's patched versions of nm-applet and pidgin *should* show in
indicator-applet-complete. You are probably using your own builds or
something like that.

No, just a regular and up-to-date 14.04 installation.
I can verify that with a daily live CD if needed.

Thanks a lot,

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