Re: [gnome-flashback] ANNOUNCE: gnome-panel and gnome-flashback-session 3.8.0 release

Great to see a new release, but I have some questions about the future:

1. gnome-panel is just one component of the session. Is there any plan
with gnome-applets, gnome-screensaver, metacity, notification-daemon
and polkit-gnome? All of these are required to run a full Flashback
session, but none of them are actively maintained.

2. Is there any plan to reimplement background, media keys and
automount handling feature which was dropped from
gnome-settings-daemon 3.8? Is there any cooperation between the Gnome
Flashback team and gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-session maintainers?
Would you consider to fork these components, or do you plan to keep
full compatibility with their latest releases?

György Balló
Arch Linux Trusted User

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