Re: [gnome-flashback] ANNOUNCE: gnome-panel and gnome-flashback-session 3.8.0 release

Hi Balló,

Am 29.09.2013 09:28, schrieb Balló György:
Great to see a new release, but I have some questions about the future:

1. gnome-panel is just one component of the session. Is there any plan
with gnome-applets, gnome-screensaver, metacity, notification-daemon
and polkit-gnome? All of these are required to run a full Flashback
session, but none of them are actively maintained.
Well, it depends what you mean by "actively maintained". On most of
these components, I don't expect there to be any new development, unless
somebody comes along with new ideas for them (e.g. the metacity port to
GTK+ 3). But of course, we can develop and commit bug fixes, and if the
previous maintainers were to be MIA, also roll tarballs.

So the plan is "keep it working as well as possible". :)

2. Is there any plan to reimplement background, media keys and
automount handling feature which was dropped from
gnome-settings-daemon 3.8?
For background we have two options:
- force nautilus to take over the desktop
- resurrect the plugin.

Everybody, preferences ?

The media-keys plugin is still in the codebase, and actively maintained.
Maybe it's not built on your system ?

Automount seems to work fine for me - could you elaborate ?

Is there any cooperation between the Gnome
Flashback team and gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-session maintainers?
There should be more, unfortunately we're on completely different
schedules (flashback team: cleaning up the fallout of the 3.8 release,
g-s-d: starting the 3.12 cycle). Feel free to CC them by the way. :)

Would you consider to fork these components, 
Where possible, we'll avoid forks, otherwise we'll end up in a mate-like

or do you plan to keep full compatibility with their latest releases?
No, only with the release that we are targeting. That's 3.8 at the
moment, but we have a branch open for 3.10 development also.


Philipp Kaluza
Ghostroute IT Consulting

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