Re: Revisiting the utility of branch notifications


I believe this topic is also of interest for gnome-i18n.
As a translator I actually used to have an email filtre that deleted
the branch notifications. The sheer volume of messages lowers my
overview about all messages in my IMAP folder, and they are of little
use for me as a translator.

If you happen to work on master/HEAD just about when it gets branched,
it is easy to merge your translation work on master also into the new
stable branch. That is an easy cherry-pick for those familiar with git,
since fresh branches differ little to none for documentation. In
Vertimus you can easily feed your final work also into the new branch
for the same reason.


Am Samstag, den 16.03.2019, 19:05 +0100 schrieb Andre Klapper:
On Thu, 2019-03-14 at 16:55 -0400, Shaun McCance wrote:
My question is, are these notifications still useful?

Given how small the Docs team is: No, I do not and cannot care much
about branches. I work on docs when I have time and if something is
wrong it needs to be fixed, no matter which period we're in in the
schedule. (I do check via "git branch -a" or the web interface if
something has branched though if I feel that I should check first.)


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