Re: Translations inside of SVG files

Andre Klapper wrote:
On Sun, 2014-02-02 at 08:51 +0100, Frederic Peters wrote:
Actually we already have some translated SVGs in the current Getting
Started documentation. It doesn't use the systemLanguage attribute,
they're "just" considered as XML files and itstool does the job of
extracting strings to a po file, and merging them back, creating one
SVG file per language.

An example is here:

It's not perfect as it duplicates the files, and it currently requires
the SVG files to be declared in HELP_FILES and be in the same
directory as Mallard pages, but those are minor issues in my opinion.

Yay, great!

Could I have found out myself somehow (URL)?

I don't think so, this is only used in gnome-getting-started-docs and
I added support for that to library-web after you left the hackfest.

Is this something to cover in an advanced section on ?

I am not the one to tell, it's certainly more work for the
documentation team at first (creating a SVG instead of taking a
screenshot[1]), however I believe this wouldn't only benefit
translators, as the figures do not need to be retaken whenever the
theme change, or to adapt to theme changes done by distributors.


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