Re: Hackfast 2013

On 2013-02-12 16:15, Jana ÅvÃrovà <jana svarova gmail com> wrote:


My name is Jana SVAROVA and would like to take part in Hackfast 2013,
taking place in Brno, Masaryk University.
I would like to contribute to the open source community by working on the
Sysadmin guide.
I have had short but intensive documentation writing experience.
I'm Czech but I've been working very hard to master the English language.

Great! There is some planning information on the wiki page for the hackfest:

I see that your details are already there, and there is also an item in the agenda for the sysadmin guide, so just turn up and we can get writing! :-) Of course, if you have a quick look over the existing documentation and find some items that need work, it would be good to add those to a planning page on the wiki. Updating the existing planning documentation:

would be a good way to start.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you,

Looking forward to meeting you at the hackfest


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