Re: Table headings in Mallard

On Sat, 2010-10-23 at 18:45 -0500, Jim Campbell wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to mimic the table headings that are used in the current
> gedit help, but I'm having a hard time with it.  I can create the
> table just fine, but can't seem to create a table heading that merges
> cells across two columns.
> To see what I'm trying to do, complete the following steps:  : )
>      1. Open gedit
>      2. Press F1
>      3. Select Shortcut Keys

What you're seeing is just how Yelp formats regular table
headings. That is, there's no real spanning. Yelp just
doesn't draw column dividers in table headers.

> Here's the code that I have in my current draft of the gedit docs:
> <table frame="all" rules="all">
>   <tr>
>     <td><p>Shortcut Key</p></td>  <td><p>Command</p></td>
>   </tr>
>   <tr>
>     <td><p>Ctrl + Alt + PageUp</p></td>  <td><p>Switches to the next
> tab to the left.</p></td>
>   </tr>

1. Put the first <tr> in a <thead>.
2. Put the rest of the <tr>s in a <tbody>.
3. Remind me to implement some nice formatting on <thead>.

1 and 2 are what you should do anyway for proper semantics.
The rest is just formatting details that are up to the tool.
I agree Yelp could do a better job formatting table headings.

Shaun McCance

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