Table headings in Mallard

Hi All,

I'm trying to mimic the table headings that are used in the current gedit help, but I'm having a hard time with it.  I can create the table just fine, but can't seem to create a table heading that merges cells across two columns.

To see what I'm trying to do, complete the following steps:  : )
  1. Open gedit
  2. Press F1
  3. Select Shortcut Keys
Here's the code that I have in my current draft of the gedit docs:

<table frame="all" rules="all">
    <td><p>Shortcut Key</p></td>  <td><p>Command</p></td>
    <td><p>Ctrl + Alt + PageUp</p></td>  <td><p>Switches to the next tab to the left.</p></td>
    <td><p>Ctrl + Alt + PageUp</p></td>  <td><p>Switches to the next tab to the left.</p></td>
    <td><p>Ctrl + Alt + PageDown</p></td>  <td><p>Switches to the next tab to the right.</p></td>
    <td><p>Ctrl + W</p></td>  <td><p>Close tab.</p></td>
    <td><p>Ctrl + Shift + L</p></td>  <td><p>Save all tabs.</p></td>
    <td><p>Ctrl + Shift + W</p></td>  <td><p>Close all tabs.</p></td>
    <td><p>Alt + <var>n</var></p></td>  <td><p>Jump to <var>n</var>th tab.</p></td>

Any idea as to how to create a table heading that spans across two columns like in the current gedit help example?

By the way, I normally use the "<keyseq><key>J</key><key>I</key><key>M</key></keyseq>" syntax for a series of keypresses, but I found that it looks better without the special formatting when I'm using a table.

Thanks, all,


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