Re: Content Plan for Accessibility Documentation

Thanks Vikram!

1) Identify the various accessibility tools used in Gnome.  Willie
Walker (William Walker sun com) can help with this.  Each of these
will need help written for it.  Note that the Orca documentation is
currently in the Accessibility Guide, but we decided in the meeting
to split it out.

- On-Screen Keyboard (also known as gok)
- BrlTTY 3.8: Now I know that you guys chose to remove Orca docs. but
this one is pretty important (for braille) , so  we may have to find
another way of doing this
- Screen Reader and Magnifier (not going to be included but just listing it)
- Mouse Tweaks
- Keyboard configuration: slow keys, and bouncy/fast keys
- Themes (high contrast and such) and Fonts (rendering)

Note that BrlTTY is not a GNOME tool, but is a tool that is a driver for refreshable braille displays, which are external hardware devices attached to the machine. It also serves as something that hooks up to the virtual console (hence the TTY portion) and functions as a system service that other applications like Orca can use to present things on the display.

The configuration/setup/use of BrlTTY can differ a fair amount from distro to distro as well. The difference between distros is what makes this hard to document in a GNOME document.

2) List the basic categories of information we would provide in the
Universal Access sections of the new Desktop Help.  This will replace
the Accessibility Guide.  The current Accessibility Guide is here:

This should provide some background on what information we need to
include.  Willie posted the following mockup of how the accessibility
preferences might look in the nearish fuure:

This should give some sense of the kinds of tasks people need to do.

Some categories IMHO could be:

- Display configuration: containing the theme and fonts
- Input device configuration: the keys stuff , the onscreen keyboard,
and the mouse tweaks (this one needs a better title)
- Visual aid : what hasn't been covered above. (BrlTTY 3.8)

Can you expand more on the BrlTTY thoughts you are having? Are you specifically talking about BrlTTY, or are you talking about the Orca screen reader for GNOME, which then communicates with BrlTTY as a service?

3) For each category in the Universal Access help, tell us which of
the accessibility tools it might need to link to.

There's also the keyboard shortcut section that would be really useful to have. But, I might be jumping way head and should wait until Vikram creates an outline.



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