Re: [Mallard] Add new element to lists which doesn't require a child block element


2009/9/12 Phil Bull <philbull gmail com>:
> Suggested alteration to the Mallard spec.
> Mallard lists usually require the author to type
> <item><p>Something</p></item> multiple times. Typing the same tags again
> and again is tiresome. I propose a "shorthand" tag which behaves exactly
> the same as <item><p>, but which is shorter and doesn't require two
> tags, e.g. <li>Something</li>.
> (1) Faster to type, reduces burden on author.
> (2) Reduces clutter, makes it easier to find errors or read the content
> between tags.
> (3) Reduced risk of forgetting to close tags, or nesting tags
> improperly.
> (4) The existing <item><block> formalism can still be used when block
> elements other than <p> are required.

Hmmm... number 4 doesn't convince me. If I didn't get it wrong, we
will have two different ways to achieve the same end result.

We could end up with something like this:


It will absolutely be easier to write, but it could end up being more
"difficult" to read the code. Can't we just suppress the <p> from
<item> and have it optional in case we need it? (like two paragraphs
in an item) If there's no <p>, treat it like there's one...

Milo Casagrande <milo casagrande name>

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