Re: Documentation Status Tracking

Le vendredi 26 septembre 2008 à 12:19 -0500, Shaun McCance a écrit :
> As many of you know, I've been working on a system called Pulse
> to help us track our documentation.  It's now at a stage where
> it can offer genuinely useful information that can significantly
> help use prioritize our efforts.
> We can easily see what documents exist, but what we really need
> to know is what the status of each document is.  In order to do
> this, I've come up with a system of recording status information
> directly in the DocBook.
> I've written a proposal for how I think we should handle this:
> I would appreciate it if you could look this over and offer
> suggestions.  A system that doesn't work for our community
> won't solve our problems, so it's important that I know how
> well you all think this will work for your workflow.
> Note that I believe the proposed system can also help our
> intrepid translators.  I don't believe we are ready yet to
> impose hard freezes on documentation, but this system does
> impose freezes on any documents marked as "final".  While
> not a complete solution, this can at least help translators
> prioritize which documents they work on.

Thanks Shaun, this is very interesting. +1 from me.

I just feel that the entire process might be a little heavy considering
the scarce manpower the docteam has now.
But I suppose it should be possible to shortcut some steps, e.g. passing
from 'update' to 'final' when a documentation only need very little
changes between two consecutive releases.


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