Re: Word-a-Day: cursor, insertion point, pointer


Shaun McCance schrieb:
A symbol indicating where text will be inserted or deleted
when the user types.  Prefer the term "insertion point" over
"cursor".  The term "cursor" may be more appropriate when
discussing text-based interfaces where that term is used
more frequently.

While I agree that cursor and pointer are different things on the screen, I am not happy with "insertion point". Its sounds quite artificial. There is a cursor on the screen and it marks the "insertion point". The insertion point is moved by manipulating the cursor. I am not a native speaker, dunno if cursor sounds strange in english or is some overloaded term.


Do not use cursor as a synonym for pointer.
insertion point
The point at which text will be inserted or deleted when the
user types.  The insertion point is shown as a blinking line
or a blinking rectangle.
The arrow or other symbol which moves when the user moves
the pointing device and which indicated where on the screen
clicks will go.  Use "pointer" even when it takes on a shape
other than an arrow, although you may use a descriptive
adjective, such as "the I-beam pointer".

The current Style Guide recommends "cursor", and doesn't
even mention "insertion point".  Both Apple and Microsoft
recommend "insertion point", and I think it's a good way
to go.  I've left a loophole for text-based applications
because, let's face it, that's still the world we live in.

Apple actually recommends *not* using pointer when a more
descriptive term is available, such as "I-beam".  I think
using a single consistent term is more understandable.


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