Re: Working Draft

Luca, you did the right thing. I talked about polemic screenshots
(they are), not about polemic contributors.  :)

I just tried to define a quick procedure in order to avoid not-useful
additional feedback (after your email a second one could only insist
in the known problems unless it would provide a road to a solution).

We are still in time to have better screenshots, 99,999% of the world
population still haven't seen those pages.  ;)  Anybody checking the
2.18 live demos we are offering should be able to take them.

Sorry for not providing them myself, I'm trying to invest my GNOME
time in wgo "2.18.1".

On 3/16/07, Luca Cavalli <luca cavalli gmail com> wrote:
Sorry Quim, I didn't mean to be polemic. I talked with Vincent on
IRC and he explained me the issue. Sadly I haven't GNOME
2.18, so I can't provide a better screenshot.
Quim Gil ///

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