Re: gparted docs - Markup and Help req

--- Manish Chakravarty <manishchakravarty yahoo co in>

> Hi all,
> As the subject i will begin documenting gparted
> shortly.
> I have two questions
> 1) I want to make text (or HTML) submissions. I want
> someone to help me with the markup.
> 2) After it is marked-up by someone, how do i submit
> it? 

If you're comfortable with HTML, then writing docbook
is not a great leap. The Docbook manuals that exist
online LOOK very evil, but you can get by with pretty
much just the <sect*> and <para> tags. (At least
that's what I'm doing ;)

Grab the app template and the legal template from this
Stick them both in the same folder.
Open the app template in a text editor.
Drag it to a yelp window to view it.

I'm happy to help if you get stuck


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