Re: Location of docs-on-the-web (was summarizing same)

<quote who="John Fleck"/>

> Fair enough. Which means the web structure would, in effect, mimic the
> ScrollKeeper categories?

So, I looked into using scrollkeeper for some of this stuff a while back,
but decided that it might be better to leave that to lampadas, and just
stick with generating the HTML from known CVS locations.

  [ I thought that I'd have to pull down all the OMF files first, work out
  how everything fits together, and then pull all of the docbook source down
  to build it... Perhaps that's an overblown assessment, I guess human hands
  dealing with documentation sounds good to me. :-) ]

If anyone has any bright ideas for using scrollkeeper to handle bits of
this, please let me know.


- Jeff

  "A 'lame' server is a server that is SUPPOSED to be authoritative, but,   
      when asked, says: 'Me? I know nothing, I'm from Madrid!'" - Ralf      

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