GNOME Documentation Style Guide V0.3 now available.]

Pat, Eugene and Irene have undertaken a major revision of the GNOME Documentation Style Guide. The xml files are now in CVS, and the finished result for GDSG V0.3 is available at the following location:

Some of the major differences between V0.2 and V0.3:

- Converted old sgml document into xml.
- Converted old single file document with subsections into a proper book structure with chapters for easier access for multiple writers.
- Added comments from community about V0.2.
- Added some new sections, notably:
Building blocks, writing for guis, accessibility, legal, units appendix
- Updated the wordlist with quite a few new terms. As we uncovered new terms we defined them and put them into the wordlist. Eugene will follow up with a mail indicating the latest new terms.

The contents of the GDSG are largely based on our experiences of documenting around 30 or so applets and applications for Help manuals, as well as the entire GNOME 2.0 desktop UI for the user guide. The GDSG should be fairly comprehensive, therefore, but there is always a possibility that we have left something out. Please let me know if you know of something else that should be covered in the style guide, or any other comments that you might have.

I have sent this announcement to a wider distribution than just the documentation community, as the topics in the style guide are now quite broad, and have many linkages with different parts of the GNOME project.


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