Re: converting omf files

On Sun, 2002-05-05 at 07:18, David Merrill wrote:
> On Sun, May 05, 2002 at 03:06:10AM -0700, Chris Lyttle wrote:
> > John,
> > I went thru this evening and updated the gnome-games omf files to be in
> > the same format as the document you mentioned below (in the writing omf
> > files doc).
> We have a utility called db2omf that extracts omf data from docbook
> files. I don't know if you already have seen it and decided it wasn't
> useful for you or didn't meet your needs, but just in case I thought I
> would mention it. It might alleviate the drudge work of maintaining
> your omf files manually.

Cool. I forgot about that. Has it been updated to reflect the changed
omf file format in 0.3.8?

Remind me where I get it.

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)

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