Re: Shortened titles in OMFs and Yelp

On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 11:36:34PM +0000, Eugene O'Connor wrote:
> Some of the document titles are quite long, and this looks quite odd
> in Yelp. For example, in the Applications category, there is a
> GNOME Calculator Manual V2.0 document. Pat Costello, John F and
> Dan devised a way of using short titles in the OMF to prevent the
> appearance of long wrapped-around manual titles, as follows:

> * Truncate the text in the <title> tags down to only the application
>   name.
> * Record the real title in <comment> tags just before the <title> tags,
>   so that the real title does not get lost.

Ok, so this is completely backwards. OMF is meant to mark up metadata
about documents. A document title is a document title. you don't change
this just because a random help browser can't cope with the document
title being long.

This is solely a Yelp problem, and it should be solved in Yelp, not
by changing the OMF.


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