Greetings, and is gnotski undocumented?


I would like to join the GDP and I was thinking of documenting gnotski.
I'm just checking that no-one's working on this, and no secret
documentation is lurking anywhere. I can't see any documentation in CVS
in gnome-games, and the temporary doctable says it's undocumented.

By looking at recent archives it seems that I'm joining in an awkward
period of "document management" (ie. no Lampadas) :-) but once I've
written something who do I send it to?

Also, if this documentation still needs doing and the temporary doctable
is still maintained, can someone add my name to it or something so that
the effort isn't duplicated by someone else. Thanks.

Andrew Sobala

If I have trouble installing Linux, something is wrong. Very wrong.
        -- Linus Torvalds

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