Re: Greetings, and is gnotski undocumented?

On Sun, 2002-08-11 at 13:41, Andrew Sobala wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to join the GDP and I was thinking of documenting gnotski.
> I'm just checking that no-one's working on this, and no secret
> documentation is lurking anywhere. I can't see any documentation in CVS
> in gnome-games, and the temporary doctable says it's undocumented.
> By looking at recent archives it seems that I'm joining in an awkward
> period of "document management" (ie. no Lampadas) :-) but once I've
> written something who do I send it to?
> Also, if this documentation still needs doing and the temporary doctable
> is still maintained, can someone add my name to it or something so that
> the effort isn't duplicated by someone else. Thanks.
> -- 

Great thanks! I'm the gnome-games maintainer, and you're right no one is
doing this doc. There is not only no docs for this I suspect that the
help menu needs to be enabled on the app too. I'll add your name to the
temp doctable for this app. Please send the completed doc to me if you
dont have a gnome cvs account to commit it yourself or if you are unsure
of how to setup the proper directory structure in cvs for it. I would
suggest writing to the app author Lars Rydlinge <Lars Rydlinge HiG SE>
to inform him you're writing this and to request his help getting the
docs working in the app. Ross Burton  <ross burtonini com> is the
current gnome-games maintainer and so he would be the person to contact
if you get no response from Lars about getting the help working in the
I dont know how experienced you are with XML, but if you need any help
at all getting it working on your system or getting your doc setup for
scrollkeeper just let me know and I'll be glad to help out.

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