Re: Newbie wants to get involved!

On Sat, 2001-10-27 at 13:15, Daniel Rees wrote:
> At 05:23 27/10/2001, Eric Baudais wrote:
> >Daniel-
> >It's great you want to help!  The first thing you need is to install docbook,
> >docbook-stylesheets, libxslt and libxml2 on your Linux system.  All our
> >documentation is written in DocBook.  There are some good tutorials on the
> >web about DocBook.  Some must reads are the GNOME Handbook and the GNOME
> >Documentation Style Guide.  They are located at
> >
> I've zapped over to and I'm downloading the 
> files in docbook-tools, as mentioned in the Handbook. I've also found 
> libxslt and libxml2 on, which I will install with the RedHat 
> 7.2 disks I am waiting for.

I'm slow, I know..  I'll do the handbook next week, now that I've got a
few other things out of the way.  We don't have any "simple to use"
tools just yet, although I do have a makefile set up for building docs. It comes with some
instructions.  Note that the 'xml.gz' target is broken, until I think on
it a bit more, and that it's not very smart about when to rebuild the

libxml2 and libxslt come with Red Hat 7.2, although the versions on are slightly newer.

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