Re: switching to Docbook 4.1 XML

On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 03:54:11PM -0400, Alexander Kirillov wrote:
> Questions:
> 1. It took about 4 seconds (on PIII 500 Mhz system) - I hoped to get
>    something closer to 1 sec. 
> 2. Are there any GDP-customized xsl stylesheets, like what we used to
>    have for dsssl stylesheets? Anyone willing to step forward and
>    do this? Dcm? 

I have started on a customization xsl stylesheet.  There isn't much done yet, 
but it is coming along.  Some things that I have done are:

 * Added Written By: <author> to the titlepage
 * Added a maintainer role to the author tag so it outputs 
   Maintained By: <maintainer>
 * Emphasis tag is bold instead of italicized.
 * Sets the default graphic extension to PNG.

Does anyone else have anything they really don't like about the html formatting
of the current docs?

Eric Baudais

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