Re: Title Page Suggestion

Hi all, 

David's suggestion (see snip) seems reasonable. The `About this Document` link 
would in fact be the proposed Title Page, with all the required, legal and 
requested contents. We also agree to the contributor name appearing on the TOC, 
providing that: 

1) There is only one name on any particular document, in other words the name of 
the current author. A history list of author names is in the `About this 
Document` page. A history list of author names on the TOC would be 

2) Contributors can leave blank the name tag on the TOC >>if they want to<<. 
This would be the case in terms of Sun Microsystems. Sun is happy to be 
discreetly credited on the `About this Document` page. In other words, the name 
tag must not be a required tag that would break the build if it were left empty. 

Does this sound acceptable? 


<snip id="David Merrill">

> Why not put a single link for `About this document', and then list
> contributors and sponsors there? We don't have anything against
> recognizing companies that do the Right Thing, do we? But leave the
> actual author's name on the title page, please. That individual
> definitely deserves the credit. Just size and place it reasonably so
> it isn't obtrusive.

> -- 
> Dr. David C. Merrill           
> Linux Documentation Project                   david lupercalia net
> Collection Editor & Coordinator  

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