Re: Title Page Suggestion

On Tue, Nov 13, 2001 at 11:23:30AM +0000, Pat Costello wrote:
> Hi all, 
> David's suggestion (see snip) seems reasonable. The `About this Document` link 
> would in fact be the proposed Title Page, with all the required, legal and 
> requested contents. We also agree to the contributor name appearing on the TOC, 
> providing that: 
> 1) There is only one name on any particular document, in other words the name of 
> the current author. A history list of author names is in the `About this 
> Document` page. A history list of author names on the TOC would be 
> user-obtrusive.
> 2) Contributors can leave blank the name tag on the TOC >>if they want to<<. 
> This would be the case in terms of Sun Microsystems. Sun is happy to be 
> discreetly credited on the `About this Document` page. In other words, the name 
> tag must not be a required tag that would break the build if it were left empty. 
> Does this sound acceptable? 

This sounds acceptable.

Will Sun be implementing this through a XSL stylesheet customization or do they 
want me to work on it?

My idea is to have a role attribute set to the string "no_TOC" in the author tag 
if the author doesn't want their name to appear in the TOC.  There seems also 
to be a problem with associating a revision to a particular author.  Maybe the
contrib tag can be used with the role attribute set to "version".  I'm not sure 
how the email address can be worked into the author tag though.

Eric Baudais

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