Re: Docbook set-up difficulties

On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 04:01:08PM +0100, Ian Miller wrote:
> The GDP handbook advises me to add a line to
> my system's (DTD/SGML?) catalog/CATALOG
> file for the png-capable DTD.  Well I don't know
> what that is.  Given that I'm the sys admin,
> chances are there isn't one :-)  Complaints from
> jade about not being able to find DTDs suggest to
> me that this is the problem. Where does jade look
> for catalog(s) by default? Nowhere (or nohow)
> obvious to me (and I have read its manual).
> Could some kind soul help me out here?  I think
> I just need someone to describe their own
> SGML-related directories and possibly what
> environment variables they have set.  The contents
> and location of a working catalog/CATALOG file
> would be particularly helpful probably.
> Thankyou for your patience,
> Ian
On my system (Mandrake 7.1), CATALOG file is /usr/lib/sgml/CATALOG
and there are no set sgml-related env. variables.


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