Re: XSL presentation

Ali Abdin wrote:

> I just found the URL for Normal Walsh's slide-show:
> It has some DocBook XML -> HTML examples
> Also Note: XSL Transformations (XSLT) only changes one XML tree into another
> (HTML is kind of like XML). You can not use it to convert say XML -> PDF, or
> XML -> plain text.

This is somewhat incorrect - you can get XSL to omit the explicit XML
declaration in the output and dump text based on the content, elements,
attributes, etc. without having to explicitly output any XML tags in the output.
I've been playing with a custom XML DTD and then outputting  LaTeX / HTML
depending on the XSL stylesheet used. The problem at the moment for plain text,
LaTeX, etc. output, seems to be the addition of extra whitespace in the output
--- at least with Xalan and sabcmd which seem somewhat sensitive to the
whitespace in the style files themselves, even trying to use strip-space /
preserve-space, etc.

Neil Matthews.

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