Re: A thought:

On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 02:57:23PM -0600 or thereabouts, Dan Mueth wrote:
> One solution would be to use external entities which refer to a file which
> gnome-core installs.  The problem with this is that we must provide either

I was certainly thinking more of a file rather than messing with DTDs. 

> Another solution would be to say very little in this section and then
> ulink to a seperate document which has all the real content (say
> "Reporting Bugs in GNOME".)  The help browser will know how to find this
> document so we don't have the problem we had with making it an
> entity.  This is the simplest solution which comes to mind, aside from
> just leaving the text in the template.

Rotfl. Much better. I've spent so long cursing the fact there was
no simple way to include links to other documents that I keep forgetting
we now can :)


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