Re: [Gnome-help-system] Re: A thought:

* David C. Mason (dcm redhat com) wrote at 01:36 on 28/11/00:
> Dan Mueth <d-mueth uchicago edu> writes:
> > It is unfortunate to break compatibility with KDE's browser here.  I
> > wonder how hard it would be to get this working properly.  I don't
> > know exactly how hyperbola finds these docs using gnome-vfs, but I
> > would imagine one (ie. the KDE people) could simply use
> > `gnome-config --prefix` and easily build in support for the
> > "gnome-help:" URI.  Or is it much more complicated?  Any help system
> > hackers care to comment?  It would be very nice if they supported
> > the "gnome-help" URI and we could support a "kde-help" URI.
> Do we have any idea how (if?) they do something similar?

As far as I know, KDE still uses jade/db2html for their docs (they don't have
a "dynamic" renderer as far as I know)...

That means it is jade/db2html's responsibility for "filling in" the appendix
(they are referred in the docs as entities I believe)...

This means, that you should install the "latest" gnome-core, and then
recompile all docs (so jade can dereference the entities)...

Currently we hard-code the help file path based on
gnome_unconditional_datadir. We could modify the code to handle KDE files
(after all they are just HTML files, right? even if they were DocBook, we
could still handle them (unless they have KDE-specific stuff))...

Anyway, KDE support is not a "priority" because we need good GNOME support
first :)

note: you don't need a kde-help URI


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